&Work – Corporate Design Studio
Andre Croucamp
Space 9B3
083 775 9073
Arlindo Maunde Art– Artist
Space No: 5B
083 466 5050
Art of the Continent – Curios from Africa
Ali Ntieche
Space No: 5E
076 233 2026
BOND Society – Bar
Space No:6E
067 644 1662
Blvck Block – Art Collab
Mamma Sibiya
Space No:6G3
063 947 3336
Calixte Hetier Clément – Artist / Painter
Art Gallery & Workshop
Space No: 6G1
064 757 7751
Changemaker’s Center – Conference room/Learning/Play
Mike Walker
083 629 6892
Cheese Capital – Pizza/Burgers/Fries
Banda & Alois
Space No: 6H
071 815 1855
Chiefs of Angels – Fashion
Oscar Ncube
Space No: 7(i)1
078 983 4529
Currado @ Fama – Delicatessen
Nuno & Carla Fernandes
Space No: 8E
083 415 3618
Dario Manjate – Artist/Collagist
Dario Paulino Manjate
Space No: 7I4
072 251 1733
dario.manjate7@gmail.com | dariomanjateart.wordpress.com
Elegant Dolls – Fashion Design
Nohlanga Motuang
Space No: 8C2
063 116 5024
Exodus Factory – Pleaters & Belt makers
Pfadzani Mphanama
Space No: 7B
063 1165 024
Ezokhetho – Fashion House
Mpumi Dhlamini
Space No: 8C1
Flood House - Bespoke Silkscreen Printers
Alexandré Vosloo
Space No: 3C
079 282 6574
Foakes - Coffee Roastery & Bakery
Happy Sekanka
Space No: 5A2
072 211 1281
Hogarth Art – Art Consultant
Carol Hogarth
Space No: 2B & 2C
072 246 5400
art@artafrique.co.za | www.artafrique.co.za
Inner City Ink – Silkscreen Printers
Natasha van Heerden
Space No: 9A4
082 411 6568
natasha@innercityink.com | www.innercityink.com
Infinite Glamour – Apparel
Space No: 1E
083 947 2809
James Delaney – Artist
James Delaney
Space No: 6I
082 4548 007
Karibu – Adventure travel gear & Accessories
Lise Kuhle
Space No: F72
082 440 2549
KOOP – Fashion Design
Sandy Rogers
Space No: 10
076 072 5779
Magolide Collective – Videography & Fine Art
Mzoxolo ‘X’ Mayongo | Adilson De Oliveira
Space No: 12C
079 509 6571 | 061 469 0885
Makers Valley Partnership – Non-Profit
Noluthando Mdayi
Space No: 9D1
072 355 6591
Mandy Shindler – Artist
Space No: 3B
082 608 0196
Mantsho by Palesa Mokubung – Fashion Designer
Palesa Mokubung
Space No: 9B2
071 881 4828
Michael Brian Waugh – Ceramist
Space No: 3A
084 684 7171
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/michael.brian.waugh/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/michaelbrianwaugh
Moyo African Arts – Importer of African Craft
Ali Ntieche
Space No: 5E
076 233 2026
Primal Spirits Distillery – Ultra Premium Gin
Tony Esslinger
Space No: 5A1
062 106 4561
Pulp Paperworks – Bookbinders
Victoria Wigzell
Space No: 8G1
071 283 8342
Shabalala Designs – Unique African Ceramics
Danielle Webster / Alex Shabalala
Space No: 6G2
061 898 6851
Shadrack Mgiba – Carpenter
Space No: 9
073 058 0475
Shared Studios
Hector Xquizified
Space No: 9C
078 659 7335
Shwe – Hand made gifts & Accessories
Lise Kuhle
Space No: F72
082 440 2549
SIBAYENI METROFARMING – Hydroponic Metrofarming
Space No: 4.2
Samkelisiwe Chunda
079 789 6567
Simone Marie Farah – Fine Artist
Space No: 2C
082 410 1236
art@simonemariefarah.com | www.simonemariefarah.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/simonemariefarah/
Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/SimoneMarieFarah/
Sisonke Clothing – Garment Design
Space No: 10.1
079 665 2411
SL8 Studio
Michael Walker
083 629 6892
Sobae – Sorbet Manufacturers & Producers
Thato & Thula
Space No: 6H4
078 313 7538
sobaefrozen@gmail.com| www.sobae.co.za
Sonnenglas - Ecological Solar Lanterns
James Mason
Space No: 5G & 5H
060 372 2189
Facebook: http://facebook.com/sonnenglas
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sonnenglas
Website: www.sonnenglas.net
Stompie Selibe – Artist
Space No: 3E
079 317 5308
Instagram: Broken Chords Creative Studio
Storm Ceramics – Ceramics
Stefani Mouskides
Space No: 1E
082 902 5337
Swingtag – CMT
Space No: 1D
084 727 3530
Tandem – Product design & manufacture
Josh 082 410 9548 | Pia 079 715 8995
Space No: FW1 Victoria Yards “2”. (Across the river!) .
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tandem.designergoods
howzit@tandemshop.co.za | www.tandemshop.co.za
Tamza Great African T-shirts
Tamza Dquwa
Space No: 7i5
084 970 0600
The Fish & Chip Shop
Nic de Sousa
Space: 6C
060 713 0279
hq@thefishandchipshop.co.za | www.thefishandchipshop.co.za
The Green Business College
Matshepiso Makhabane
Space No: 6A
073 237 2683
The People’s Pantry Food Sovereignty – (NPC)
Sandra van Oostenbrugge
Space No: FE-13 - 59 FRERE ROAD
081 390 2438
Instagram: thepeoplespantry.jhb
Timbuktu In the Valley– Learning Space
Victoria Schneider
Space No: 7J
064 066 6240
Tshepo The Jeanmaker – Designer
Tshepo Mohlala
Space No: 8F
078 337 7381
hello@tshepothejeanmaker.co.za | www.tshepothejeanmaker.co.za
urbanflock – Natural Fibre Yarns & Handmade Knitwear
Lynn Joubert
Space No: 7i2
Instagram: urbanflock
WeCare Wellness Community Clinic – Clinic
Space No: 1A
011 559 6497
Yol Jewellery – Jewellery Maker
Helene Thomas
Space No: 6H
0033 617 415126
yol_lu@yahoo.fr | www.yol-jewelry.com
Zyle Clothing – Culture inspired blankets
Phumzile Ntuli
Space No: 3D
073 310 7022
zyleclothingsa@gmail.com| www.zyleclothing.co.za