Daily Tours of Victoria Yards
Get some in-depth history of Victoria Yards and explore all the studios.
Victoria Yards was not always a home for creative minds, learners, and entrepreneurs. Purpose built as a steam laundry in 1913, the property, now 100 years old, has changed little in the way of the original buildings, standing derelict for a while before being occupied by informal traders. In 2016, the property became home to what is now known as Victoria Yards. With the addition of gardens, Koi ponds and the reimagining of the spaces, Victoria Yards has become a home to a variety of creative enterprises.
10h00 to 10h30: Victoria Yards Discovery Tour
Explore the sprawling Victoria Yards and gardens and orientate yourself with our variety of artists, designers, and makers. Learn a bit about our history and ethos.
10h30 to 11h30: Victoria Yards Artisan Tour
Meet our artisans in their studios and see how they do wat they do and why they do it. An opportunity to see where products come from, how they are hand-made, with love in South Africa.
Every time is tour time!
If you have missed a tour time, please call Angela on 0784775810 or speak to one of the friendly baristas at Foakes Coffee Roastery and we will be there in a jiffy!