🌍✨ Save the date! On Sunday 1st September at 11h30AM, Victoria Yards and Alserkal Advisory invites you to a thought-provoking conversation between artists Camille Chedda from Kingston, Jamaica and Johannesburg based artists Io Makandal, Refiloe Namise and Muhammad Dawjee as part of the A Feral Commons and FNB Joburg Art fair Open City public programme. Thuli Mlambo-James will chair the conversation where the artists will discuss how the art they have created engages urban ecological action and social change ending off with a sonic performance by Muhammad Dawjee and the Jukskei river.
A Feral Commons Global Co-Commission project examines the often unrecognised co-dependence and open-ended collaborations with humans and non-human beings through three site-specific art commissions in Dubai, Kingston and Johannesburg, led Alserkal Advisory in partnership with the Global Cultural Districts Network (GCDN) using tools developed by UAP Company auditing each commission’s CO2 emissions. The Johannesburg commission Ophidian’s Promise by Io Makandal was supported by Victoria Yards and Water For The Future NGO.
Date: September 1st
Venue: Victoria Yards
Time: 11:30 AM
#Aferalcommons #OpenCity #FNBArtJoburg #Climatechange #Climatejustice #ActivateTheCity #WaterForTheFuture
#camillechedda #iomakandal #refiloenamise #muhammaddawjee #thulimlambojames #publicprogramme #publicart #socialpractice #jukskeiriver #johannesburg #arttalk #artists #paneldiscussion #nonhuman #community #alserkaladvisory #victoriayards